Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The Spirituality of a solitary bird

I was reading through the Maxims of St John of the Cross today, and out of the different quotes that spoke to me - this particular one stood out. Partially because of the detail it has compared to his other maxims, but also for recognising the importance of understanding it correctly in context. 

It can be easy to read this, and then have some pious romantic and idealistic ideas of what it means to be “contemplative” and to try to act aloof to the world and people around us. But this would be to misinterpret him. 

The analogy of a bird is one he uses more than once. It symbolising rising up to God and being free, without being weighed down or constrained by attachments. So the emphasis in this quote below would be to start with the premise of the foundation of the spiritual life singing sweetly in the presence of the Beloved. Only from this starting point do the other points make sense and can be understood correctly from a theological viewpoint without misunderstanding. 

The focus for St John of the Cross is always only for God in all things, and so by always being attentive to God and focused on His loving presence - that is how you are able to remain in your ordinary day to day life, fulfilling your duties and being charitable to all those around you. But without heing held captive to people or things, and so there is never a moment or situation in which you cannot contemplate God or sing sweetly of his loving presence when that is your primary focus. Authentic Catholic spirituality is not escapism, but rather love of God and neighbour are always interchangeable and never mutually exclusive.

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