Sunday, June 2, 2024

The life giving Mystery of Faith in the Eucharist

Today we celebrate the wonderful, awe inspiring and incredible Solemnity of Corpus Christ! This is the feast day where we liturgically celebrate and focus on the mystery of the Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. 

In honour of today, I have been reading through the not very well known Encyclical Mysterium Fidei of Pope St Paul VI. He wrote this in the aftermath of the Second Vatican Council when people were trying to distort the liturgical reforms of the Council, as an excuse to promote error and heresy regarding the Church’s fundamental belief of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. 

Without getting into discussions on the failure or distortion of the liturgical reforms, and steering clear of the liturgical wars - we can take time to appreciate the beauty of doctrine explained in this Encyclical by Pope Paul VI. He focuses on the following : 
  • The Liturgy is the lived expression of the faith of the Church, handed on by the Apostles who received it directly from Christ, where the Mystery of the Faith is re-presented throughout time 
  • The Sacrifice of the Mass is the offering of the entire People of God in the Church, through the hands of Priests 
  • The Mass as the one Sacrifice of Christ when celebrated and offered continues the salvation of the world, because it is the work of Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross applied anew everyday
  • No matter when or where Priests offer the Sacrifice of the Mass, it is always a public liturgical act of the entire Church and contributes to the redemption and sanctification of all the members of the Church - and the entire world
  • In the Eucharist, there is a union between Sacrifice and Sacrament that is unique from all other forms of symbolism and sacramentality. The Sacrifice of Christ and the Sacrifice of the Eucharist are inseparable, because they are one and the same mystery 
  • The wonderful mystery of the Presence of Christ is a mystery of love, and also a mystery of faith that continues throughout the history of the Church
  • The fullest and most real expression of the Presence of Christ as Emmanuel (God with us) is fulfilled and perpetually present in the Church in the Blessed Sacrament - the sacred species consecrated in the Sacrifice of the Eucharist
  • The Church’s perennial understanding and explanation of this mystery uses the term “transubstantiation” which was defined by the Council of Trent. As the dogmatic and historical expression of the faith of the Church, the term transubstantiation cannot be changed or redefined
  • The miraculously and mysterious reality of the Real Presence of Christ in the bread and wine in the Sacrifice of the Mass, is a unique and wonderful new reality that mysteriously changes thee bread and wine through substantiation into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ who himself instituted the Eucharist as a perpetual memorial of his very self 

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