Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Conformity to the Image of Christ as spiritual perfection

In the Office of Readings for today, there is a wonderful reflection by St Gregory of Nyssa on Christian Perfection. He uses 3 images to help illustrate his point - a pearl, pure stream and stamp. 

It is important to note that in patristic terminology the word “passions” refers to disordered desires, and so has a negative meaning. This is different from our modern understanding of being “passionate” as something that is positive. 

All of us by virtue of our baptism are conformed to Christ. We are recreated in His Image, and sealed by the Holy Spirit in Confirmation. This is the foundation of our entire spiritual life as Christians, and it gives us the grace needed in our life as we follow Christ. St Gregory reminds us that our following Christ must be in our thoughts, words and deeds. All 3 are necessary. 

The more that we confirm our thoughts, words and deeds/actions to Christ then as we progress spiritually Christ will be made manifest in our life. We will begin to reflect Him to others, the light of Christ shining through us helping other people to encounter Him through the beauty of our holiness. This beauty of God that shines through us attracts others to God and draws them into relationship to the most Holy Trinity.  This is not our own doing, but instead it is the work of the Trinity in us through our identity in Christ and our continual conformity to His Image that we bear through the life of grace.

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