Thursday, May 10, 2018

Jesus, the centre of existential peripheries

Pope Francis often talks of the peripheries and the need to go out to them, outside of our comfort zone to minister to those on the edges, those on the outskirts of society.  We see Jesus himself giving us the example of this when dealing with the unclean, tax collectors and prostitutes. 

Pope St John Paul II our great philosopher Pope, would like to recall the words from Gaudium et Spes where is says that only in Christ can man discover his true identity. Christ reveals man to himself. 

These two images led me to reflect on the title of this post. That Jesus Christ is the source and centre of our being, he recreates us anew, moulding us to his Sacred Humanity. This same Jesus who revealed himself to us in stages through the covenants, still reveals himself in the "poorest of the poor" as St Mother Teresa used to say. This great mysticism of hers to see, touch and feel Jesus in the poor - is how we also need to view Christ in ourselves when going through depression, anxiety, breakdowns, existential crises. For on that existential periphery is also where our Divine Bridegroom, the Lover of Humanity reveals himself today.