Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Nativity of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God

Today is the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary where we celebrate her birthday

I just wanted to share some of the beautiful poetic things written about her from the Divine Office from Lauds/Morning prayer to help you meditate on and increase your love and devotion to Out Lady 🙏

Antiphon 1: 
Today is the birthday of the glorious Virgin Mary, of the seed of Abraham, who arose from the tribe of Judah and the stock of David.

Antiphon 2: 
When the sacred Virgin was born, then the world was filled with light. Blessed and holy is the stock which bore such blessed fruit.

Benedictus antiphon: 
Your birth, O Virgin Mother of God, announced joy to the whole world, for from you has risen the Sun of justice, Christ our God. He released us from the ancient curse and made us blessed; he destroyed death and gave us eternal life.

If reading these doesn’t inflame your heart with love for Our Lady and make you want to Praise God then I don’t know what will!!

Monday, September 6, 2021

Spiritual aridity draw us into Divine Union

All of us by virtue of our baptism are God’s “Beloved” and are called to be cherished souls… however many of us never move past formal prayer, a relationship with God that is purely transactional - if I be a “good person” and go to Sunday Mass I’ll go to heaven, I pray when I need something. 

But God desires more than this, He calls us into intimate union with Himself. All the spiritual masters and Saints teach that God will give us a taste of himself, a “spiritual consolation” and then withdraw from us so that we seek after Him, and through our seeking, our love and desire for Him becomes purified - we seek His friendship truly because he is ultimate Goodness, Truth & Beauty - instead of seeking a relationship where we can get something out of it.