Friday, August 4, 2023

Why should we pray for priests?

In 2009 Pope Benedict XVI proclaimed the Year of Priests, with St John Vianney as the patron.

But one might ask, out of all the holy priests who are saints, why this simple little parish priest from backwater 18th century France? Why not a great missionary priest? Or a famous preacher? 

St John Vianney was a simple humble priest who loved God and did all he could to help people understand this. He was parish priest in a small village in rural France where people had no interest in God or Church. However, through his kindness and personal example, he started to bring people back to God and the Sacraments. 

He stuck to the basics - personal prayer, preaching, catechesis, making confession regularly available, encouraging attendance at Mass and frequent Holy Communion, visiting the sick and helping the poor.

Today more than ever we need our priests. Not because of false ideas about clericalism or because of taking away the dignity of all the baptised. But we need priests more than ever, solely because we need Jesus in the Eucharist! Without a priest, we cannot have Mass and therefore we no longer have the wonderful gift of the Eucharist which is Jesus himself.

There are many preachers around, many online theologians, many good teachers of scripture, different prayer ministries and support networks. But none of these can replace the priesthood - because none of them can offer the Mass. 

The most liberal priest who illicitly celebrates Mass on a coffee table without any vestments whilst sitting on the floor, still is able to offer a valid Mass and consecrate the bread and wine that becomes the Eucharist. He is only able to do this because of the Sacrament of Holy Orders he has received. His ministry as a priest is all oriented for what he can do for others - but he can’t do any of it for himself. 

As St John Vianney says, a priest cannot baptism himself, a priest cannot absolve himself in confession. He is able to give you the sacraments of the Church, but he can’t give them to himself. 

The most beautiful liturgy with exquisite vestments, incense and glorious music is empty and meaningless without having a priest to offer the sacrifice of the Eucharist. We don’t need social workers, we don’t need counsellors, we don’t need great speakers - we need priests. Everything else can be done, and shoud be done by us the laity. That is our role in building up the Church and living out our baptismal priesthood. 

But none of that means anything without the Eucharist. Only the Eucharist is the true and Real Presence of Jesus Christ with us. But without priests, we will not have the Eucharist anymore. 

So today I ask and encourage you to pray for priests. Pray for the bad priests, the liberal ones, the ones that can’t preach, the ones who don’t uphold their own sacerdotal dignity, the ones who don’t seem to have much faith at all. Pray for the stressed priests, the grumpy ones, the busy ones who never have time, the one who may be a secret alcoholic or have a pornography addiction. Pray for the sick and elderly priests, pray for the ones who feel lonely or isolated, pray for the ones struggling with temptation to leave the priesthood all together. Pray for the priests who you’ve heard gossip about, or who you think is arrogant and full of himself, pray for the weak one who you don’t feel any respect for. Pray for these weak sinful men, because they were chosen by Christ. Not because of their personal worthiness, but because Jesus loves them and called them. Jesus also asks you to love them and support them through your prayers. 

Please try today to practice praying regularly for the priest who baptised you, the priest who hears your confessions, and your parish priest. Those 3, are the most important in your life and God has given you love and mercy through their ministry. So please pray for them, because without priests there is no Mass and no Eucharist.

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