Saturday, October 1, 2022

The Little Flower - my older sister in Carmel

I have always struggled with my relationship with St Thérèse of Lisieux. She is so popular and loved by so many yet I have always been put off by what I can only describe as the “saccharine” sickly sweet devotion surrounding her. Reading her Story of a Soul many years ago I struggled with aspects of her personality where she could be described as spoilt and even bit of a brat. 

But this year something has changed. Since I was granted Spiritual Affiliation to the Carmelite Order (O.Carm) in 2021 I have begun to sense this real sense of kinship with my fellow Carmelite saints. I have always loved St Teresa of Avila & St John of the Cross, and this years because of his canonisation I discovered St Titus Brandsma. So I can now add St Therese to this growing list - Today I now feel her presence as my big sister in the Order, teaching me her “Little Way” of holiness. 

Once you get past all the flowers and sweet images of her, she is a real giant of the faith. She was declared a Doctor of the Church for a reason and today for the first time in my life I can wholehearted say “St Therese - pray for me” 🙏

Today on her feast day I hope you too can discover something of her “Little Way” of spiritual childhood, to be holy in the garden of Jesus

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