Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Pray for your enemies

I found out today that a priest who was quite horrible to me when I was in seminary has passed away. We had quite a personality clash, and I admit I was not an easy person to get along with as I was very arrogant - but he mistreated me a lot and I have always held a grudge against him. 

So when I found out today he had passed away, my initial reaction was not a charitable one. Lord forgive my hardness of heart . 

I have since repented of this, and prayed for his soul. Unfortunately I will always have negative memories of him - but today the Lord reminded me that I need to pray for him and if I want to follow Jesus I need to remember to love and pray for my enemies. 

This is one of the most challenging teachings of Jesus. It sounds paradoxical and pious on paper, but much harder to do in real life. 

Pray for me 

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