Monday, February 10, 2020

Fellowship - the importance of the Communion of Saints

For many years I have struggled with my Same Sex Attraction, chastity and purity. This combined with depression would leave me to isolate myself from the Church and God for months at a time. 

Recently I came across a group of other Faithful Christians struggling with SSA like me! How amazing it felt to find other people who think and feel like me. 

For so long as I have felt lonely because I was misunderstood. Most of my Catholic friends now are married with kids or priests, so they are busy and have different lives to me. But meeting other Christians with SSA I feel so strengthened and re energised in my faith - because I no longer feel LONELY even though a am alone. The paradox being is that now I am very happy being alone because I have discovered fellowship. 

Fellowship is often seen as a Protestant term, as we Catholics focus on the Church and Communion. So I like to think of fellowship as participating in the Communion of Saints - not just the Saints in glory, but also my fellow pilgrim brothers and sisters in Christ here below who are becoming Saints. 

Since having this newfound fellowship my faith feels much stronger, more stable and empowered.  We pray for each other, console and comfort each other in Christ. Praise God for the gift of fellowship 🙏 

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