Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Pope Francis the Frigid

Here is a quote from a blog post by Fr Ray Blake that I recently read and it perfect summs up some of my concerns/feelings to do with our current Pontiff.

I must admit I still don't understand Francis. Is he the greatest thing since unsliced bread, a cunning old Jesuit, a conservative, a trad, a prophet, a fool or even the anti-Christ; a breath of fresh-air or the stench from the tomb of those rather detestable men who surrounded the Blessed Paul VI and added to his suffering?

I have never done the Benedict through Francis thing at least, but neither am I convinced of the Francis against Benedict thing entirely. I am still perplexed and confused by him. Perhaps it is in Francis who rather than being an Emperor who is wearing no clothes we actually have clothes with no Emperor. I mean those morning homilies that come out of the marble halls of Sta Martha that are full of barbs but actually teach nothing. Perhaps we should expect nothing!

Another thing that confuses me about him, is that he is widely know for his smile and how friendly he is. Yet have you seen him when he offers Mass? He looks miserable, mutters and mumbles the words, won't kneel or sing... yet he has no problems giving speeches or kneeling to wash feet.

I pray for him, but so much about him leaves me cold

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