Today is the memorial of St Henry de Ossò. He was a Spanish priest who spent much time and energy in teaching others through catechesis. Inspired by St Teresa of Avila, he ended up founding a congregation of teaching sisters called “The Society of St Teresa”.
It struck me in his writings how passionate he was about the necessity of uniting to Christ. But not in a generic sense - an absolute conformity of our whole life to the life of Christ, so that we can be transformed into Christ via our imitation and conformity to him. So that learning to think think and behave as Jesus did, we learn his own very thoughts and feelings - so that his heart becomes our own.
His entire thought was based on the mystery Incarnation. Through the mystery of God becoming flesh in Jesus Christ, our own flesh and humanity has now been sanctified and redeemed. His entire life and ministry saves us, not just his crucifixion and resurrection. Not just his preaching the Gospel. But his day to day existence of living - breathing, eating, sleeping. All of this was done for our salvation, which was the entire purpose for our existence. So the more that we live our entire daily life imitating Christ, learning to think and feel like him - then our conformity to him results in our transformation into him, so that our entire existence also saves us. Everything I do in Jesus united to him becomes part of Jesus’ own life that saves us all.
This is so profound and yet so simple. Our baptism makes us a new creation on Christ, so that our whole life is a process of transformation into Christ. Everything we do as Catholics is oriented to this. Then we we receive Jesus in the Eucharist he mysteriously unites us to himself and transforms us into himself, giving us the power to continue living out our life in union with him. Then with Christ living in me (Galatians 2:20), every little thing I do in him and with him becomes sanctifying moments where my life becomes the life of Christ… as St Henry de Ossò beautiful says:
What an inspiring thought! I will live, sleep, speak, listen, work, suffer—I will do everything, I will suffer everything in union with Jesus, with the same divine intention and sentiments that Jesus had and with which He suffered, which is what Jesus wants of me.
May all of us learn how to “Live Jesus!” so that together with St Paul we can truly say “It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” (Galatians 2:20)
May every Mass and Holy Communion you receive bring you into conformity to Christ, so that you may be transformed into him.
May your transformation in Christ show others the beauty and light of Christ, so they too desire him.
May your love of Christ overflow in all that you do, so that others desire to be Children of the Father, just as you are in Christ.
May the peace of Christ strengthen and fortify you, so that others seek to be anchored to the cross and crucified together with Christ.
May the life you live now, be the eternal life we will one day live with Christ, who loves us and feeds us even now in the Eucharist - which is his very own life.