Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Out of the depths - an existential prayer

Out of the depths I cry to you Lord (Psalm 130:1) 

From the depth of sin 
From the depth of darkness 
From the pit of despair 
From the depth of loneliness 
From the depth of my exile from you
From the depth of my being … 

I cry to you oh Lord, 
I know you hear me even when I run from you 
You are always with me.. 
Calling me back to you, 
If only I listen to your voice 

Hear my prayer Lord and teach me to listen to you 
Teach me to hear your voice 
Teach me to seek after and yearn for you
Teach me your ways and teach me your love 
Bring me back to you 
Bring me to you through the wonder of my being 

Draw me out of all my desires so that you are all I seek
May you be all I want 
May you be all I need 
May you be all I desire and thirst for 
Quench my thirst in the depths of my being as you call out to me Lord 
Bring me home to you - 
Your home within me 
Abide in me so I can abide in you 
May I rest in you and in your Presence .. 
bring me your peace

Deep calls out to deep 
Before I call out for you, 
You have called out to me from all eternity 
Hear my voice oh Lord, 
And speak to my heart as I speak to yours 
Out of the depths I cry to you Lord 
My voice united to your Word 
Speaking your love and blessings over me 
Calling me back to you 
Calling me back to myself 
Calling to me from the deep 

Out of the depths you cry to me Lord 
I hear your voice! 
Rescue me from myself 
So that I can finally be still and know you are God 
My God, the Rock 
My saviour who rejoices over me 
Who overshadows me and whispers to the depths of my being 
Teaching me to walk in your footsteps 
So that no matter how far I wander 
You will always bring me home