Sunday, April 19, 2015

Superficial Preaching - Priests need to preach the Gospel and not themselves!

Here is a video that explains how I feel most of the time. As a convert to the faith and someone who struggles a lot with lust and acedia, when I go to Mass there is nothing more upsetting or off putting than a priest who does not preach the GOSPEL or explains the FAITH but instead espouses wish washy pop-psychology. I went to Mass last week on Divine Mercy Sunday and the monsignor of the Cathedral preached all about political issues relating to refugees and asylum seekers, not once did he mention of expand on the Gospel or even try to weave the theme of Social Justice into the biblical readings of the day. He was more interested in getting us all the take pamphlets home from a writer who had written about the Government's anti-immigration policies instead of Zealously preaching the Gospel. I was infuriated!

Catholic priests need to start realising how important the homily is. The homily is something sacred, it is not the place or time to be expressing personal opinions. It is the time to explain the Word of God, it is the time to feed the faithful from the Table of the Word before feeding them from the Altar. Pope Francis in Evangelii gaudium even goes so far to say that the homily is actually part of the sacrifice of the Mass itself! :

138. When preaching takes place within the context of the liturgy, it is part of the offering made to the Father and a mediation of the grace which Christ pours out during the celebration. This context demands that preaching should guide the assembly, and the preacher, to a life-changing communion with Christ in the Eucharist. This means that the words of the preacher must be measured, so that the Lord, more than his minister, will be the centre of attention.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Misericordiae Vultus

Here is an excerpt from the Bull of Indiction for the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy by our Holy Father in the Faith, Pope Francis. As someone who can often fall into pharisaical legalism as well as struggling with my own person sins, these beautiful words struck my heart.:

2. We need constantly to contemplate the mystery of mercy. It is a wellspring of joy, serenity, and peace. Our salvation depends on it. Mercy: the word reveals the very mystery of the Most Holy Trinity. Mercy: the ultimate and supreme act by which God comes to meet us. Mercy: the fundamental law that dwells in the heart of every person who looks sincerely into the eyes of his brothers and sisters on the path of life. Mercy: the bridge that connects God and man, opening our hearts to a hope of being loved forever despite our sinfulness..  
12. The Church is commissioned to announce the mercy of God, the beating heart of the Gospel, which in its own way must penetrate the heart and mind of every person. The Spouse of Christ must pattern her behaviour after the Son of God who went out to everyone without exception. In the present day, as the Church is charged with the task of the new evangelization, the theme of mercy needs to be proposed again and again with new enthusiasm and renewed pastoral action. It is absolutely essential for the Church and for the credibility of her message that she herself live and testify to mercy. Her language and her gestures must transmit mercy, so as to touch the hearts of all people and inspire them once more to find the road that leads to the Father. 
The Church’s first truth is the love of Christ. The Church makes herself a servant of this love and mediates it to all people: a love that forgives and expresses itself in the gift of one’s self. Consequently, wherever the Church is present, the mercy of the Father must be evident. In our parishes, communities, associations and movements, in a word, wherever there are Christians, everyone should find an oasis of mercy. 