Thursday, August 10, 2023

The danger of “outrage culture” and taking the saints out of context

I have seen this comment below from a priest online (screenshots below) and it highlights a growing concern I have with online Catholicism. 

This is an excellent reminder about quotes and the importance of context. 

All the saints teach of the danger of anger, self righteousness and bitterness. There is a phenomena among many Catholics online that I call “outrage culture” - everyone is constantly outraged and offended by scandals or sins of others, the hierarchy and the world. But why do we not have the same outrage over our own sinfulness? That’s what the Desert Fathers teach and emphasise - be humble, focus on your own sins, pray for others, live a life of repentance and focus on your relationship with God, love and serve your neighbour. Then leave it in God’s hands to make the changes in the world or the church or the hearts of others… but most of the time, it is our own heart that needs to be changed first. 

People like to use this quote from St Thomas to justify their anger and bitterness over issues in the church, but without understanding it in the larger scheme of St Thomas’ doctrine. I’m so glad that this priest has noticed this too and is calling out this issue. 

Anger, bitterness, resentment, offence - these are all poison in the spiritual life. They literally destroy us from within and kill charity in our soul. We need to be aware of this everyday and examine our heart. When we feel angry or upset about something that’s ok, but we need to also let it go, give it to God, and never let anything upset our peace or our ability to love and forgive. Once we lose this inner peace, it is so hard to get back, and then we lack love and the Holy Spirit too. This is why I have found that I regularly need to discern and examine my life according to the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). Anger, bitterness, self righteous, frustration, criticism are all opposites of the fruit of the Holy Spirit. We must never allow ourselves to try and justify them in our life - they are poison to us and therefore deadly.

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